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- Resource Management, Business Process Optimization, Enterprise Architecture, Risk Management – All in one box
Business Process Optimization
Business Process Optimization
Envision provides a holistic platform to help managers optimize business processes safely, as part of a continual improvement program.
Our business process optimization (BPO) solutions are designed to give business managers, business analysts, and architects the viewpoints, analytics, and decision-making tools they need to understand and transform their business, improve their customer experience, and deliver increased business value. Envision can comply with important international standards such as BPMN 2.0, TOGAF 9.1, and DoDaf 2.0.

BPMN is a neutral notation supported by OMG. Its very familiar to business personnel as well as specialists.

BPMN is simple to use, but it is powerful. It can be used on simple & complex processes.

Envision users can use the full BPM Notation 2.0.2; and they can link the process objects to other Envision elements such as risk, costs, and so on.

Business Processes created in other formats, such as MS Visio, can be imported into Envision.
Managers at all levels of the enterprise are under pressure to deliver enhanced productivity whilst reducing cost and minimizing risk. All organizations, both small and large, can benefit from business process optimization supporting their continual improvement.
The business process resources in Envision enable you to model your procedures and resources as it is today and to see what needs to be changed in your organization. Because our BPO sits in the same Envision repository as resource management, risk assessment and the capabilities matrix, you can optimize your operations safely with full visibility of all the connecting pieces.
Envision delivers business maps such as process models, customer journey maps, business capability maps, ecosystem designs, data visualizations, reports and dashboards.
AGILITY: It has always been necessary to keep abreast with the changing demands of customers, investors and regulators. The rate of change is increasing. The Envision BPO provides high levels of adaptability to shifting situations. Managers can see clearly the current workflows and can make changes and deploy those changes rapidly to assist the organisation become agile.
COST CONTAINMENT: The first step in any cost containment exercise is identifying direct and indirect costs. Envision BPO helps identify process bottlenecks and can reduce lead times. Because BPO is linked to other models in the repository it is easy to identify inefficient use of resources and to quickly take action
EFFICIENCY: Envision BPO helps with the elimination of bottlenecks and reveals opportunities for the integration of organisational processes from start to finish. By using Envision BPO, users optimise their processes through the removal of redundant tasks and where relevant implementing automation.
VISIBILITY: Envision BPO dramatically increases the visibility of work and tasks for management. This increases the general understanding of the work and enables process owners to keep track of performance in real time.
COMPLIANCE: The visibility of business processes makes the work of internal compliance managers and external regulators straightforward; and this reduces costs and time involved in compliance activities. Task descriptions, policies, and safety instructions which can be produced automatically in Envision can be delivered quickly and at no cost to the point where it is needed. Staff can have “how-to” documentation at their fingertips as they work. This can have a dramatic impact on getting tasks completed correctly.
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