Envision® comprises a flexible business-object-oriented (BOO) repository combined with an configurable user interface.

Users can easily create standard models (such as TOGAF, DODAF, Zachman), or custom and industry specific visualizations. Dynamic links between business objects – in the form of user-friendly graphical views, documents, text, pictures, sound, and video – are all easy to set-up. Users can create and view these objects and their relationships in diagrams, spreadsheets, custom forms. In addition, our data browser enables users to view items directly from the repository. 

The underlying repository manages all relationships, calculations and metrics, item-state, ownership, versioning and security seamlessly. Users can apply filters and rules to manage and analyze these objects using an array of techniques. These techniques include spreadsheet-like Matrix Analyses, report writing tools, and custom SQL query capabilities.

Users can export models and other information maintained in Envision’s repository to other productivity applications, presentation packages, spreadsheets, and databases.

Consequently: Envision is truly an enterprise-wide repository as it supports an unlimited number of business modeling and technical modeling standards and methodologies, all from the one instance.

With our ‘Command-Centre’ approach, Envision delivers reports and dashboards, so managers can evaluate operational transformation scenarios and optimise their plans to deliver yet more value to customers. Managers acquire flexibility and agility; they can update product and service delivery quickly to meet new market needs.

CEO Perspectives
CEO’s want to see what interests them without delay or distraction. The Envision Command Center delivers top-level views created by assimilating information from across the enterprise.
CEO Models
Senior managers will work on business capability models and strategy models using data that has been derived from market information and internal skills matrices.
CEO Reports
Senior managers do not have time for data mining. They want current information they can trust, delivered on demand. Envision reporting does just that.
No single methodology can visualize an enterprise in today’s complex business environment. Envision supports any methodology all from the same repository. Multiple perspectives lead to accuracy, innovation and creativity.